Project Management

Meeting Needs/Goals and Obtaining the Best Value Possible for Our Customer

When you work with an Alexander & Associates manufacturing project manager on your design/build or another project, you can rest assured that we are implementing sound work processes using highly skilled resources on a wide array of project efforts and initiatives.

Our project department and each manufacturing project manager aim to obtain the best value possible for our customers while meeting their needs and project objectives. The success of any project is due, in part, to the level of detail given to its management.

Alexander’s Comprehensive Skill Set in Project Management

At Alexander & Associates, procurement and purchasing professionals compliment our experienced staff of manufacturing project managers and project specialists, overseeing the equipment bidding process and expediting every order through delivery. Every project effort includes four primary phases: definition, execution, construction, and start-up. Within each of these phases, management will focus on scope (description of effort and deliverables), cost (funding strategy, spending curves, future trending cost projections)m and schedule (duration of expectations, including milestone checkpoints).


  • Project Execution, Design, & Change Management from concept to startup ensure that each initiative meets the designated business objectives. Your manufacturing project manager drives execution with a focus on making the process work specifically for your application, both during the project and well beyond, equipping your team to deliver results.
  • Equipment and Resource Procurement includes order origination and management, delivery status reporting and order expediting, and invoice review/reconciliation. Specialized employees are dedicated to preparing equipment purchases, from vendor inquiries, requests for quotes, specifications, and bid evaluations to purchase order issuance and status reporting, expediting, and vendor follow-up during fabrication, delivery schedule control, inspections, and acceptance tests (if required), shipping and delivery confirmation.
  • Scheduling and Cost Control oversight means proactive management of the appropriate level execution team schedule with the necessary level of detail to ensure the effective delivery of project objectives and deliverables. We collaborate internally to manage resource planning and staffing to meet all client execution needs. We prioritize experienced cost management and controls and deliver trend & status reporting.

Our Manufacturing Project Manager Works for You

We’re here to deliver project management solutions to move your business forward. Whether you’re planning for new equipment or production lines or retrofitting a component for added speed, innovation, or productivity, we’re ready to collaborate to get it right the first time.

Contact us today to get started.